A drop-sizing method by imaging of a two-phase cryogenic flow

A drop-sizing method by imaging of a two-phase cryogenic flow

Nicolas Fdida  Yves Mauriot  Lucien Vingert  Matthieu Nugue 

ONERA, the French Aerospace Lab Centre de Palaiseau, chemin de la Hunière, 91123 Palaiseau Cedex, France

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The knowledge of atomization processes of cryogenic jets is one of the most important points to master the stability of rocket motors fed by liquid propellants. A Cryogenic Visualization Vessel (BVF) was designed to study the atomization of a single liquid oxygen jet, under non-reactive conditions, with simultaneous optical diagnostics. A dropsizing method based on imaging is used to investigate the atomization of the liquid oxygen jet by a concurrent high-speed helium or nitrogen gas flow. This kind of coaxial jet produces a dense spray of heterogeneous and rapid droplets, particularly difficult to measure with conventional imaging devices. Two long-distance microscope objectives are calibrated and compared in terms of resolution and depth of field, for application to droplet size measurements on the BVF


two phase flows, cryogenic flows, shadowgraphy, drop-sizing, velocimetry

1. Introduction
2. Le banc Mascotte
3. Le système d’imagerie
4. Résultats expérimentaux
5. Conclusion

Les auteurs tiennent à remercier les équipes en charge des mesures optiques et de l’instrumentation du banc Mascotte qui ont participé à cette étude expérimentale : Eric Paux, Frank Vannier et David Carru


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