When the remote measurement instrumentation works to improve the monitoring of the reactor building of nuclear power plants in case of severe accident

When the remote measurement instrumentation works to improve the monitoring of the reactor building of nuclear power plants in case of severe accident

P. Ferdinand  F. Pouillé  B. Ricque  J.-M. Bourbotte  H. Hamrita  V. Kondrasovs  H. Makil  L. Maurin  S. Rougeault  G. Cheymol  F. Damian  D. Duval  J-C. Jaboulay  P. Le Tutour  H. Maskrot  L. Barbot  J.-F. Haquet  C. Journeau  Q. Souquet  J.-F. Villard  G. Musoyank  M. Brovchenko  I. Duhamel  S. Fourrez  G. Helleux  L. Pichon  Y. Ouerdane 

LMP S.A, 49-51 rue du Moulin des Prés, 75013 Paris, France

CEA, LIST, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France

CEA, DEN, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France

CEA, DEN, 13108 Saint Paul-lez-Durance, France

AREVA NP, 1 place Jean Millier, 92084 Paris-La Défense cedex, France

Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN), 92262 Fontenay-aux-Roses, France

THERMOCOAX, BP 26, Lieu-dit Planquivon, 61430 Athis-de-l’Orne, France

Université de Lyon, Lab. Hubert Curien UMR CNRS 5516 Université de Saint-Etienne, 42000 Saint-Étienne, France

Corresponding Author Email: 
p-ferdinand-lmpsa@sfr.fr; laurent.maurin@cea.fr;hicham.maskrot@cea.fr;christophe.journeau@cea.fr;jean-francois.villard@cea.fr;grigor.musoyan@areva.com;isabelle.duhamel@irsn.fr; laurent.pichon@thermocoax.com;ouerdane@univ-st-etienne.fr
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This paper deals with the post-Fukushima DISCOMS project dedicated to corium monitoring in case of Severe Accident with reactor vessel failure. After listing the objectives and identifying sensors’ locations, a radiative modeling was carried out for two generations of reactors (‘Gen2’ and ‘Gen3’), both in normal and accidental situations. Due to extreme conditions during the corium-concrete interaction, a thermal modeling at various depths of the concrete was carried out to optimize the sensors’ embedment. This leaded to the SPND design as well as the selection of single-mode optical fibers which will be able to withstand temperature  and  dose  during  60  years  of  operation,  plus  the  accident.  Several  fibers exhibiting a low Radiation Induced Attenuation have been qualified after irradiation tests. These fibers will be remotely sensed by several instruments (OTDR, DTS, BOTDA, OFDR), whose performances have been determined. SPND studies have shown that onset accident may be detectable. Hence, a low-current multi-channel electronics as well as a long SPND-thermocouple cane have been developed. This cane includes a Rhodium Collectron dedicated to neutron flux (normal operation), one Platinum type for neutrons and γ (Severe Accident), plus a type K thermocouple. The project will continue, up to its validation, and will end with a ‘Vulcano’ test of corium casting on a concrete slab. Once the feasibility assessed, the deployment of this innovative solution may be considered


nuclear safety, severe accident, corium, basemat, monitoring, optical fiber sensors, self powered neutron detector, distributed sensing, remote measurement, power supply free

1. Introduction
2. Contexte, objectifs et cahier des charges du projet
3. Modélisations dans le puits de cuve en cas d’accident grave avec percement de la cuve du réacteur
4. Instrumentations et capteurs de mesure
5. L’essai prévu de coulée de corium
6. Conclusion et perspectives

Ce projet est cofinancé par le Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir et opéré par l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche, que le consortium souhaite remercier, de même que M. Antony Lebeau pour ses nombreux et judicieux conseils organisationnels, ainsi que pour ses encouragements


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