The method for determining the quality factor (Q) of MEMS resonators proposed here is based on a measurement carried out in the time domain and also on a compatible architecture with integrated circuit technology. Thus, it is possible to integrate the measurement circuit on the same chip as the resonator, which tracks the component changes during its life, so to anticipate its failures. An original design based on the 0.35μ m CMOS technology is introduced to mitigate the major flaws of the functional blocks. In addition, one of the objectives being to increase the operating frequency, the simulations showed that this parameter can be up to 200 kHz, with a measuring accuracy of 0.3%.
quality factor measurement, CMOS technology, integrated circuits, microresonator, time measurement, time-domain measurement, in-situ measurement.
Nous remercions vivement à l’organisme Eiffel Doctorat pour l’offre de la bourse de doctorat qui a permis cette mobilité d’étude durant presque une année scolaire et a rendu cette étude possible ainsi qu’aux rapporteurs pour leurs conseils.
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