A Remote Epileptic Patient Monitoring (REPM) system is presented to sense epileptic seizure of a patient and to protect the patient’ fall down. With the aid of telecommunication techniques, the system is capable enough to provide health care in remote places. Physiological sensors and Zigbee transceiver are the heart of the system to recognize patient’s epileptic seizure. The epileptic seizure patients are supported by the system even in acute cases. The brilliant epilepsy recognition can be achieved by selected parameters of the patient. Generally according to neuro science epilepsy is of three categories (Motor, Sensory and Psychogenic seizures) Motor seizures can only get predicted as it is convulsive. Whereas Sensory and Psychogenic seizures cannot be observed even in seizure duration also. A sensory seizure is a type of simple partial seizure. The Sensory and Psychogenic seizures are assaults that may look like epileptic seizures, yet are not caused by unusual cerebrum electrical releases. They are an indication of mental misery. So I proposed a system to accurately recognize Motor seizures with the aid of wireless technology. Utilizing that pack we can anticipate the patient who may fall in danger. The REPM will be reasonable, distinguishes the variations and additionally alerts by a SMS to the respective individual for the patient's life saving purpose. To realize all the above strategy I have used Temperature sensor, Heart beat sensor, Blood pressure, MEMS and Zigbee module utilizing Arduino.
Zigbee transceiver, ardunio, heart rate, body temperature
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