Under the situation of scarcity of data in the target domain, the performance of the traditional agent simulation model tends to decrease. In this scenario, the useful knowledge in the source domain is extracted to guide the target domain learning to obtain more appropriate class information and agent simulation performance is an effective learning strategy. Based on the similarity measure, this paper proposes a Biased Agent Model (TIM) algorithm, which is similar to the source and target domain data distribution by introducing a biased learning mechanism (IM) algorithm to improve the simulation performance of the intelligent simulation (IM) algorithm in the data scarcity scenario. In order to ensure the validity of the bias, the TIM improves the performance of IM by considering the statistical and geometric characteristics of the source and target domains, the message passing mechanism in the algorithm makes it possible to achieve the goal of assisting the target domain learning. In addition, the factor graph of TIM can also show that the IM can be similar to IM in the case of lack of data in the target domain. The simulation results of the simulated data set and the real data set show that the proposed algorithm is more efficient than the classical IM algorithm in dealing with the non-sufficient data agent simulation task with better performance.
Biased learning, Statistical feature, Geometric structure, Similarity measure, Agent simulation method
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