Urban Densification and Energy Efficiency in Smart Cities: The Verge Project (switzerland)

Urban Densification and Energy Efficiency in Smart Cities: The Verge Project (switzerland)

Alessandra Barresi 

Ar Te Department, Mediterranea University, Reggio Calabria, Italy

Corresponding Author Email: 
23 March 2018
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4 June 2018
| | Citation



The issues of building densification and land conservation are much debated in local development policies and are related to the rational use of local environmental and climate resources.

The paper proposes a critical interpretation of the research project that ISAAC Institute of SUPSI University (Switzerland), carried out on these themes by analyzing a case in the municipality of Lugano Paradiso.

The project analyses the effect of the urban transformation in terms of energy and solar access. The proposal of the case study was aimed at highlighting the importance of quantifying precisely all the consequences that local planning strategies can have on energy and environment so as to be able to assess their real impacts and define sustainable criteria and possible improvement actions.

This project belongs to a collection of case studies presented by the IEA SHC TASK 51 SOLAR ENERGY IN URBAN PLANNING, addressing how the planning process has been developed, how the stakeholders have been involved, which instruments have been applied, which energy technology and environmental impact have been addressed and what the role is of the researchers during the entire process


smart city, building densification, solar resource, energy performance, urban quality

1. Introduction
2. Verge Project - A Critical Interpretation
3. Conclusions – Lessons Learnt from Verge-Project

The Author is grateful to Architect Cristina S. Polo Lopez, researcher at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI), for being helpful and for providing documents about the Verge Project.


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