The paper presents a joint-analysis of energy consumption by electric vehicles, accessibility from a port to its catchment area and passengers and freight mobility. The main objective is the optimal design of the transport services using the green energy produced inside the port by sea waves. The research is developed inside the GRE.ENE.LOG. project and considers two main interconnected aspects: the electrical energy production by a “sea-to-grid” technology; the transport services evaluations based on the use of electric vehicles. The focus of this paper is relative to the second aspect. The service’s design requires the application of the most advanced models and procedures for the services design considering optimal path and vehicles routing problems. It requires the specification, validation and calibration of passengers and freight demand models. The paper presents the preliminary results relative to the port area of Roccella Jonica (Italy).
fully electric vehicles, mobility services, path generation, vehicle routing
This research is partially supported by the project GRE.ENE.LOG., funded by Calabria Region via POR CALABRIA FESR - FSE 2014 – 2020, Prog. 2894, Prot. SIAR 52115, date 17/02/2017.”
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