Research on Evaluation of E-commerce Implementation Effect for Small and Middle-Sized Enterprises

Research on Evaluation of E-commerce Implementation Effect for Small and Middle-Sized Enterprises

Jing LiQiaolun Gu Yong Yang  

School of Economics and Management, Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Tianjin 300222, China

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12 May 2017
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1 June 2017
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Taking the Chinese SMEs as examples, this paper uses the Balanced Scorecard, the D&M model and the financial evaluation model to construct the evaluation index system for the E-commerce implementation performance of small and medium-sized enterprises centering on the financial dimension, customer dimension and organizational dimension, and further explore the E-commerce implementation effect using the structural equation model, factor analysis, and comprehensive fuzzy evaluation. Research results on one hand contribute to further promot theroetical fild of  the e-commerce of small and medium-sized enterprises, and on the other hand, aiming at the practice of small and medium-sized enterprises, the researches provide theoretical support and concrete technical means for the evaluation of the effect of e-commerce of small and medium-sized enterprises. Meanwhile, this paper provides specific and feasible decision-making basis for the management and implementation of  e-commerce to numerous small and medium-sized enterprises.


Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, E-Commerce, Implementation Effect Evaluation, SEM, Comprehensive Fuzzy Evaluation.

1. Introduction
2. Evaluation System of E-commerce Implementation Effect
3. Structural Equation Model for Examining the Validity and Looking for Weights
4. Comprehensive Fuzzy Evaluation Method for the Effect of E-Commerce Implementation
5. Experimental Analysis for the Effect of E-commerce in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
6. Conclusion

This research was financially supported by Humanities and Social Sciences of Ministry of Education Planning Fund (Grant No.15YJA630018), Humanities and Social Science Foundation for Youth of Ministry of Education (Grant No. 15YJC790131) and Research Funds for Tianjin University of Technology and Education (Grant No. SKY15-03).


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