Variation in Gas Chromatography (Gc) Analysis in Setting up Laboratory Protocols for Waste to Energy Novel Fixed Bed Reactor Setups

Variation in Gas Chromatography (Gc) Analysis in Setting up Laboratory Protocols for Waste to Energy Novel Fixed Bed Reactor Setups

A. T. Al-Dhafeeri S. M. Al-Salem M. H. Al-Wadi H. H. Sultan H. K. Karam 

Water Research Centre (WRC), Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), Kuwait

Environment & Life Sciences Research Centre (ELSRC), Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), Kuwait

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Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) has been applied in various analytical chemistry works. However, to fine tune a system that can serve the purposes of pyrolysis oil identification has proven to be a laborious effort, especially when considering the fact that no standard protocol exists for such analysis. In addition, obtained products were yielded from a newly commissioned unit with a unique and novel design. In this study, a US patent office claimed reactor [SULTAN-1, Pyrolysis Reactor System for the Conversion and Analysis of Organic Solid Waste, Patent application number: 15,487,351] that degrades polyolefinc virgin and waste materials to obtain petroleum refinery and petrochemical feedstock, has been commissioned. The reactor produces three distinct physical states of matter products accumulated as testing specimens, i.e. solids, gaseous and oil. The samples analysed in this work were of the gas and oil produced by pyrolysis of end of life tyre (ELTs) shavings that required to have a special recipe to work with in the laboratory. Various MS cords were utilised and experimental setups to fine tune the process, and special emphasis was given on the gas samples variation in this communication. To reach the desired analysis results with high repeatability, a plethora of experiences of lab personnel and laboratory-based experimental work was accumulated. Laboratory protocols were also setup for this work. These will be detailed along the process execution which yielded a standard laboratory best practice analytical method as part of the State of Kuwait newly initiated Government Initiative project.


analytical method, GC/MS, laboratory best practice, pyrolysis, rubber, tyres


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