Organizational and Legal Aspects of Developing and Implementing Prospective Heat Supply Schemes in Municipalities

Organizational and Legal Aspects of Developing and Implementing Prospective Heat Supply Schemes in Municipalities

Y. G. Munts V. A. Munts 

Department of Control Systems in Power Engineering and Production Plants, Ural Federal University

Department of Heat Power Engineering and Heat Engineering, Ural Federal University

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The paper analyses current legislations that regulate the development and implementation of municipal heat supply systems. A cost-effectiveness analysis of an investment programme model taken for a particular heat supply scheme in a Sverdlovsk regional municipality reveals a certain number of problem areas of organizational and legal nature in the overall heat supply process. Hence, certain ways of amending existing legislations are proposed to improve and streamline the heat supply restructuration process. The paper also presents an algorithm of cooperation for heat supply participants whenever an energy service company enters the scheme as an investment process operator.


efficiency, energy service contract, heating, investments


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