The global financial crisis has shown that power companies are highly exposed to market risks. Market volatility creates competitive tension in the industry because the lack of the necessary methodological tools does not allow power companies to timely identify and measure the severity of emerging threats. Given the current situation, one of the major challenges in the industry is the creation of tools able to assist in the development of a strategy for improving the competitiveness of power companies. The article presents the authors’ risk-based approach to the assessment of industrial risks in the power sector. It assumes a certain level of long-term financial stability, investment attractiveness and, as a result, the competitiveness of the company. The aspects of practical application of the authors’ approach to the assessment of industrial risks are shown in examples of power companies.
(Value at Risk) VaR methodology, competitiveness, development strategy, economic capital, investment attractiveness, investments, long-term financial stability, market risk, power business, power company, risk cost.
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