Important Announcement: Beware of Unauthorized Email Addresses:

We have recently become aware of an issue where an unauthorized account has been impersonating our journal to solicit manuscripts. We do not recognize this email address ( as one associated with our journal. The editorial email account uses publisher-specific email address that end in

To protect the integrity of our publication process and to ensure the authenticity of submissions, we urge our authors to verify the necessary details of our journal, such as the ISSN, DOI, Copyright. We strongly recommend that submissions be made through our OJS system, which is powered by PKP's Open Journal Systems.

Before submitting, we advise authors to benchmark their work against recognized indices such as Scopus, SJR, and others. This due diligence will not only safeguard against potential scams but also ensure that your research is aligned with the standards of reputable academic publishing.

We take this matter seriously and are committed to maintaining the trust and reliability of our journal's brand. Should you receive any suspicious communications, please do not hesitate to contact us for verification.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in this matter.