Analyzing Drivers and Mitigation of Deforestation for Oil Palm Expansion in Indonesia, 2000-2020

Analyzing Drivers and Mitigation of Deforestation for Oil Palm Expansion in Indonesia, 2000-2020

Winahyu Erwiningsih

Department of State Administrative Law, Faculty of Law, Universitas Islam Indonesia, Yogyakarta 55584, Indonesia

Corresponding Author Email:
18 May 2023
8 September 2023
15 September 2023
Available online: 
30 November 2023
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© 2023 IIETA. This article is published by IIETA and is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 license (



High demand for palm oil has significant environmental and societal implications, including deforestation, climate change, and harm to local communities. Understanding how to address these issues is crucial for achieving sustainability in the palm oil industry. This research employed a qualitative approach and relied on library research methods. Data were collected from various sources and the study period encompassed 2000-2020 to analyze drivers and mitigation of deforestation for oil palm expansion in Indonesia. The study found that deforestation driven by palm oil production contributes to climate change by reducing the forests' capacity to absorb carbon from the atmosphere. Another key finding was that addressing this issue requires a multi-faceted approach, including reducing global palm oil demand, increasing sustainable production practices, and implementing industry best practices. For instance, the adoption of sustainable palm oil production methods can lead to a reduction in environmental damage, protecting million hectares of vital conservation areas. To mitigate the impact of climate change caused by deforestation related to palm oil production in Indonesia, it is imperative to reduce global palm oil demand, promote sustainable practices, and uphold the rights of local communities. Collaboration among producers, companies, governments, civil society, and global consumers is essential to strike a balance between economic interests and environmental sustainability. Promoting sustainable agricultural practices is crucial to minimize negative impacts on both the environment and society.


deforestation, palm oil targets, climate change, oil palm smallholders, land use change, greenhouse gas emissions

1. Introduction

Indonesia boasts the world's largest tropical rainforest, playing a crucial role in preserving global forest ecosystems. These lush woodlands are not only home to a diverse array of unique plant and animal species but also deliver numerous benefits to humanity, including the provision of clean water, regulation of the global climate, and carbon storage. Paradoxically, despite being the steward of one of the world's most expansive forested regions, Indonesia grapples with significant challenges related to forest and land degradation [1]. The country's forests confront formidable obstacles such as rampant deforestation, forest fires, and the conversion of land for agriculture and palm oil plantations, imperiling the long-term sustainability of these forests and the biodiversity they harbor [2]. Deforestation refers to the widespread removal or clearance of forests, primarily through human activities such as logging, agriculture, or urban development. This process leads to the significant and often permanent loss of forested land, resulting in the conversion of these areas into non-forested landscapes. Climate change pertains to long-term alterations in Earth's climate patterns, including shifts in temperature, precipitation, and weather events, primarily attributed to human activities like the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. These changes can have far-reaching and detrimental impacts on ecosystems, weather patterns, sea levels, and the overall balance of the planet's climate system, with potential consequences for the environment and society.

Indonesia continues to experience substantial forest destruction, particularly in areas blessed with biodiverse tropical forests. Various factors contribute to forest and land damage, including deforestation to expand agricultural and forestry operations, illegal logging, mining activities, and land conversion for palm oil and rubber industries [3]. Consequently, safeguarding and preserving Indonesia's tropical rainforests and ensuring the sustainability of this delicate ecosystem are of paramount importance. This can be achieved through the adoption of sustainable policies and practices, such as effective forest management, the restoration of damaged woodlands, and the promotion of renewable energy sources [4]. The significant issue of extensive forest clearance for plantations poses a grave concern not only in Indonesia but also in several other nations. Numerous factors contribute to the high rates of deforestation driven by the palm oil industry's pursuit of plantations. One key factor is the global market's insatiable demand for palm oil, rubber, cocoa, and coffee products, which incentivizes the expansion of plantations into forested areas [5]. The robust worldwide demand for these commodities can yield substantial profits for both producers and governments but, regrettably, can also trigger the conversion of forested lands into plantations [6]. Another pivotal factor is the presence of weak forest governance systems, which can exacerbate deforestation by the palm oil industry for plantation purposes. Ineffective enforcement of laws and regulations related to forestry can embolden actions leading to deforestation by players in the palm oil industry. Plantation and palm oil companies and individuals seeking to enlarge their land may exploit these weaknesses in forest governance systems to illegitimately acquire forested land and engage in deforestation [7, 8].

The global palm oil industry plays a pivotal role in the world's economy, as palm oil is one of the most widely used vegetable oils across various industries, including food, cosmetics, and biofuels. Its popularity can be attributed to its versatility, high yield per hectare, and low production costs. However, the expansion of palm oil plantations has brought about significant environmental and societal consequences. From an environmental perspective, the palm oil industry has been linked to deforestation on a massive scale, particularly in regions like Southeast Asia and South America [9-12]. To make way for palm oil plantations, vast areas of tropical rainforests and peatlands have been cleared, resulting in the loss of crucial biodiversity and carbon-rich ecosystems. This deforestation contributes to climate change, as it releases stored carbon into the atmosphere and reduces the planet's capacity to absorb greenhouse gases. Furthermore, the industry has been associated with habitat destruction and the endangerment of wildlife, including orangutans and Sumatran tigers, which lose their natural habitats [13, 14]. Additionally, palm oil cultivation often involves the use of pesticides and fertilizers, which can lead to soil degradation and water pollution [15, 16].

On the societal front, the palm oil industry has raised concerns regarding land rights and labor practices. In some cases, local communities have been displaced from their ancestral lands to make way for plantations, leading to conflicts over land tenure and livelihoods [17, 18]. The extensive expansion of the palm oil industry for plantations stands as a significant contributor to deforestation and can trigger agrarian conflicts, specifically disputes concerning land ownership, its utilization, and management. These conflicts often arise when the government grants plantation permits to companies or individuals who lack rightful claims to the land, or when these entities exploit the land to the detriment of local communities who have historically depended on it [19]. In certain instances, plantation companies may embark on oil palm expansion activities on land owned by communities or governed by customary rights, which they have utilized for generations. This can result in economic and social hardships for these communities as they lose their land rights, along with adverse impacts on their cultural identity and the sustainability of the environment. Moreover, deforestation driven by the palm oil industry's pursuit of plantations can give rise to conflicts related to the utilization of scarce natural resources. Poorly managed plantation development can lead to environmental pollution, a decline in soil and water quality, and the loss of natural habitats and biodiversity [20]. Moreover, labor conditions on palm oil plantations have been criticized for issues such as low wages, poor working conditions, and even instances of forced labor and child labor in some regions. These social challenges underscore the need for sustainable practices in the palm oil industry to protect both the environment and the rights and well-being of affected communities. Efforts are being made to establish sustainable palm oil certification standards and promote responsible production practices to mitigate these negative impacts.

The objective of this research is to identify the key factors driving deforestation in Indonesia during the specified period and also aims to investigate strategies and measures that have been employed to mitigate deforestation associated with oil palm expansion. Another objective of is to understand the consequences of high palm oil demand on deforestation and climate change in the Indonesian context.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Deforestation impacts

Deforestation has far-reaching environmental and societal consequences that have garnered extensive attention in the previous research. One of the primary environmental impacts of deforestation is the disruption of ecosystems and loss of biodiversity. When forests are cleared for agriculture, logging, or urban development, countless plant and animal species lose their habitats, leading to species extinction and reduced overall biodiversity. Deforestation represents a critical global issue with profound and multifaceted environmental and societal repercussions that have been the focus of extensive research and concern. Among its primary environmental impacts, the disruption of ecosystems and the loss of biodiversity stand out as pivotal concerns. Forests, as complex ecosystems, harbor an astonishing diversity of plant and animal species. When these forests are cleared for purposes such as agriculture, logging, or urban development, the consequences are far-reaching. Countless species lose their natural habitats, and many are unable to adapt or find alternative environments, leading to an alarming rate of species extinction. This loss of biodiversity has cascading effects throughout ecosystems, impacting the delicate balance of predator-prey relationships, nutrient cycling, and overall ecosystem health [21].

Deforestation not only disrupts the habitats of animals but also triggers dramatic transformations in the natural ecosystem, posing a grave threat to human life. Forests play a crucial role in preserving environmental equilibrium by supplying the oxygen essential for both human and animal survival, sequestering carbon dioxide, upholding air and water quality, and serving as a habitat for a wide array of organisms. Regrettably, unchecked deforestation and inadequate reforestation efforts have led to the depletion of forests on a global scale. Consequently, numerous plant and animal species face extinction, soil fertility dwindles, and severe ecological harm ensues, including occurrences such as floods, landslides, and climate change. It is imperative to safeguard forests to prevent the occurrence of fires resulting from deforestation and illegal logging, thereby averting undesirable and adverse consequences [22]. This loss of biodiversity not only affects the balance of local ecosystems but also has global implications for ecosystem services such as pollination and carbon sequestration. Furthermore, deforestation is a significant contributor to climate change. Forests act as carbon sinks, absorbing and storing vast amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. When trees are cut down or burned, this stored carbon is released into the atmosphere, exacerbating the greenhouse effect and global warming [23]. Deforestation is thus a key driver of rising global temperatures and associated climate-related events. On a societal level, deforestation can have profound impacts as well. It often leads to the displacement of indigenous and local communities who depend on forests for their livelihoods. These communities may lose access to critical resources like food, medicine, and clean water. Additionally, deforestation can contribute to social conflicts, as competing interests vie for control over forested lands [4]. This underscores the critical importance of addressing deforestation due to its severe environmental consequences, including biodiversity loss and contributions to climate change, as well as its societal impacts on vulnerable communities. Effective strategies for mitigating these impacts are essential for the well-being of both ecosystems and human societies.

2.2 Climate change effects

Furthermore, deforestation significantly contributes to climate change. Forests play a vital role in regulating the planet's climate by absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. When these forests are cleared or burned, the stored carbon is released into the atmosphere, exacerbating the greenhouse effect and contributing to rising global temperatures. Climate change disrupts ecosystems and threatens biodiversity. Many species face challenges in adapting or migrating to new habitats as their current environments change or disappear. Research underscores the urgency of conservation efforts to protect vulnerable species. Changing climate patterns affect agricultural productivity, with altered precipitation, temperature extremes, and increased pests and diseases. This has implications for global food security and necessitates adaptive agricultural practices [24].

Climate change contributes to the spread of vector-borne diseases, exacerbates heat-related illnesses, and can even impact mental health [25]. Vulnerable populations are disproportionately affected by these health risks. The research emphasizes the substantial economic costs associated with climate change, including damage to infrastructure, increased insurance premiums, and reduced agricultural yields. Adaptation and mitigation strategies are essential to limit economic losses [26]. Climate change exacerbates existing social inequalities. Vulnerable communities often face the brunt of climate impacts, including displacement, loss of livelihoods, and limited access to resources. Climate change effects underscore the urgency of mitigating greenhouse gas emissions and implementing adaptation strategies to address the wide-ranging consequences of global warming. Understanding these impacts is crucial for informed policymaking and global efforts to combat climate change [15].

2.3 Mitigation strategies

Mitigation strategies refer to actions and measures aimed at reducing or preventing the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and their consequent impact on global warming and climate change. These strategies are essential to combat climate change and work towards a more sustainable and resilient future. Mitigation strategies are essential components of addressing climate change, and their effectiveness relies on a combination of policy initiatives, technological advancements, and individual and collective efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit the global temperature increase to a manageable level [27]. One of the most effective mitigation strategies is the shift from fossil fuels (such as coal, oil, and natural gas) to renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydropower. This reduces GHG emissions from electricity generation and transportation. Moreover, improving energy efficiency in buildings, industries, and transportation reduces energy consumption and GHG emission [2]. This includes using energy-efficient appliances, better insulation, and more efficient transportation systems.

Addressing deforestation is not only an environmental imperative but also a crucial step toward mitigating climate change and promoting social justice. Conservation efforts and sustainable land-use practices are essential to combat the far-reaching consequences of deforestation. Beyond environmental consequences, deforestation also has societal impacts [28, 29]. Indigenous communities and local populations who rely on forests for their livelihoods face displacement and loss of resources, further exacerbating social inequalities [30]. In various regions of Indonesia, the palm oil industry's deforestation activities have had significant adverse impacts on both the environment and local communities. In peat forests, the expansion of oil palm plantations is resulting in the destruction of the forest ecosystem, the degradation of peatlands, and the loss of critical habitats [7, 31]. This situation originated when a local authority granted land management permits to an oil palm plantation company.

3. Research Method

3.1 Research design

The research design outlines the overarching plan and framework for conducting the study. In this case, a qualitative research design was chosen to explore the complexities of the Indonesian palm oil problem and its environmental and societal impacts. Qualitative research allows for an in-depth examination and understanding of the subject matter, making it particularly suitable for this multifaceted issue.

3.2 Data collection

The primary data collection method employed was library research. This involved a systematic and comprehensive review of existing literature, documents, and sources related to the Indonesian palm oil problem. Data were drawn from a wide range of sources, including scholarly articles, academic journals, books, government reports, industry publications, and various documents relevant to palm oil production and its environmental and societal implications. The use of multiple sources ensured a holistic and well-rounded exploration of the topic.

3.3 Data analysis

The study relied on a qualitative approach to analyze the data. This approach involves the examination and interpretation of textual data rather than statistical or numerical analysis. It allowed the research to delve into the complexities and nuances of the Indonesian palm oil problem. This study employed analysis of statements. The research focused on analyzing statements and narratives related to the Indonesian palm oil problem. This involved a careful review of textual data to extract key themes, patterns, and insights. Through this process, the study aimed to gain a broader and deeper understanding of the issue, including its causes, consequences, and potential solutions.

The qualitative research design, coupled with a thorough library research approach, allowed for a comprehensive exploration of the Indonesian palm oil problem and its ramifications on the environment and society. However, qualitative research typically involves a small sample size or a specific set of documents. As a result, findings may not be easily generalized to broader populations or regions beyond the scope of the study. The study's findings may be context-specific to the Indonesian palm oil problem. While the study aimed to collect comprehensive data, there may be gaps in the information obtained. Some aspects of the Indonesian palm oil problem and its impacts on the environment and society may not have been adequately covered in the available sources. Through the analysis of statements and data, the study aimed to provide a nuanced and holistic understanding of this critical issue, ultimately contributing to informed decision-making and policy recommendations.

4. Results and Discussion

Deforestation for the establishment of oil palm plantations, commonly undertaken by companies seeking to expand their operations, has severe repercussions for both the environment and ecosystems. This practice entails the clearing of land to make way for the cultivation of oil palm trees and has detrimental effects. It results in the removal of natural habitats for a wide array of wildlife species, including tigers, orangutans, and bears. Moreover, the conversion of forests into oil palm plantations contributes to environmental degradation, including heightened soil erosion, diminished water quality, and increased emissions of greenhouse gases. In addition to its adverse environmental impacts, deforestation by the palm oil industry for oil palm plantations also negatively affects local communities. This practice often compels indigenous peoples to vacate their ancestral lands, jeopardizing their livelihoods and infringing upon their rights to the natural resources on which they depend. Riau stands out as the most conflict-prone region in this regard, with 29 cases documented in 2020. Disputes related to oil palm plantations account for 20.8% of the total sub-sector conflicts in Indonesia. Following Riau, other provinces in Sumatra also experienced a significant number of conflicts, with Jambi recording 21 conflicts, North Sumatra with 19 conflicts, and South Sumatra with 17 conflicts in 2020. These conflicts frequently involve industrial plantation forest companies, which are sometimes associated with forest fires in Indonesia due to the prevalence of hotspots within areas. Nationally, a total of 241 agrarian conflicts arose in Indonesia in 2020, covering an area of 642,272.7 hectares [32, 33].

According to data from Agrarian Reform Commission, there were a total of 207 agrarian conflicts in Indonesia in 2021, with the majority of these conflicts centered in the plantation sector [34]. Specifically, 74 cases of agrarian conflicts were reported in this sector, with a significant 80% of these cases occurring within the oil palm plantation sector, covering an area of 255,006 hectares [34]. Within the realm of plantation agriculture, it is the cultivation of oil palm that gives rise to the majority of agrarian conflicts. The prevalence of conflicts associated with oil palm cultivation is believed to stem from the clash between this industry and the communities that have resided in these areas for generations. The escalating conflicts within oil palm plantations signify their expanding footprint in the region. Furthermore, these plantations enjoy the protection of a robust financial network and maintain affiliations with numerous national and international corporations. The deforestation carried out by the palm oil industry for oil palm plantations has a direct impact on agrarian conflicts, particularly those linked to issues of ownership, utilization, and control of natural resources like land and forests. Hence, to address agrarian conflicts arising from deforestation caused by the palm oil industry, a comprehensive and integrated approach is essential, involving various stakeholders, including the government, corporations, communities, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The government should take steps to fortify land governance, safeguard community and customary land rights, and enforce environmental and community protection laws. Corporations must adhere to international environmental and social regulations and standards, actively engaging communities in decisions related to plantation development. Empowering and involving communities in decisions regarding land use and natural resource management is crucial. Collaboration among all parties is imperative to develop sustainable solutions that benefit everyone involved. Given the potential for agrarian conflicts stemming from palm oil-driven deforestation for plantations, this research emphasizes the pivotal role of agrarian reform in Indonesia's context [35].

Table 1 presents data on the total production and area of palm oil land in various provinces of Indonesia for the years 2019, 2020, and 2021. The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) notes that Indonesia holds the distinction of being the world's largest producer of palm oil. For instance, in 2020, Indonesia produced a staggering 256.5 million tons of oil palm fruit, accounting for a substantial 61.2% of the global total production of 419.1 million tons. Indonesia also takes the top spot in the production of palm oil, palm kernels, and kernel palm oil. Therefore, it's quite astonishing when domestic markets experience a shortage of cooking oil amid such abundant supply. The majority of Indonesia's oil palm production originates from the islands of Kalimantan and Sumatra. In 2021, Riau, for instance, managed to produce 8.6 million tons of oil palm, contributing 18.7% to the national total palm oil production. Kalimantan Tengah followed closely with an 18.6% contribution. It's puzzling to witness shortages in cooking oil within Indonesia, given its massive palm oil production. This situation raises questions about the distribution and access to this essential commodity within the country. While Indonesia's palm oil industry has achieved remarkable global dominance, ensuring that its benefits trickle down to meet domestic demands and mitigate shortages remains a significant challenge. Factors such as transportation logistics, local market dynamics, and potential export prioritization may contribute to the apparent discrepancy between palm oil abundance at the national level and its availability within domestic markets. To address this issue effectively, it's essential for Indonesia to implement strategies that enhance the efficient distribution of palm oil within the country, ensuring that the local population can access this vital cooking ingredient without disruptions or shortages. Balancing the demands of the global market with domestic needs is crucial for both economic growth and food security within Indonesia.

Table 2 provides data on net deforestation in several Indonesian provinces during the period from 2020 to 2021. The table showcases the extent of deforestation in both forested areas and non-forested areas or areas with different land uses, ultimately presenting the total deforestation figures for each province. These figures provide insights into the scale of deforestation in different regions of Indonesia, which can have significant environmental and social implications. The data highlights the importance of monitoring and addressing deforestation to promote sustainable land management and protect valuable ecosystems.

Table 1. Total production and area of palm oil land (2019-2021)


Palm Oil Production (Thousand Tons)

Palm Oil Land Area (Thousand Ha)














North Sumatra







West Sumatra





















South Sumatra





















Bangka Belitung Islands







West Kalimantan







Central Kalimantan







South Kalimantan







East Kalimantan







North Kalimantan







Central Sulawesi







South Sulawesi







Southeast Sulawesi














West Sulawesi














West Papua





















Source: [36, 37]

Table 2. Net deforestation in some Indonesian provinces (2020-2021)


Forested Areas

Non-Forested Areas

Total Deforestation





North Sumatra




West Sumatra












South Sumatra




West Nusa Tenggara




East Nusa Tenggara




West Kalimantan




Central Kalimantan




East Kalimantan & North Kalimantan




Central Sulawesi




Southeast Sulawesi




West Sulawesi








West Papua












Source: [38]

The results highlight the critical nexus between palm oil production, deforestation, and environmental consequences in Indonesia. Palm oil's extensive use in various products, from food to biofuels, has led to substantial global demand, driving the expansion of palm oil plantations and resulting in detrimental effects. Firstly, the data presented elucidates Indonesia's significant role as a major palm oil producer and exporter. It is evident that a substantial portion of Indonesia's palm oil production is earmarked for export, underscoring the global scale of the palm oil industry. This aligns with existing literature that emphasizes the global reach and impact of palm oil consumption, making it a matter of international concern.

The research effectively communicates the environmental implications of palm oil production in Indonesia. It highlights the stark reality of deforestation, particularly in regions like Kalimantan and Sumatra, where substantial forested areas have been lost to palm oil plantations. This is in line with the broader body of literature, which consistently identifies deforestation as a primary consequence of palm oil expansion. The loss of critical forest habitats and carbon stocks, leading to increased greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, is a well-documented environmental challenge associated with palm oil production. Thirdly, the data presented economic considerations and deforestation. The results suggest that economic interests, including government revenue and smallholder livelihoods, are closely tied to palm oil production. This aligns with the literature, which often discusses the economic complexities surrounding palm oil, as it is a significant source of revenue for both the Indonesian government and local communities [39, 40]. However, it also raises questions about the trade-off between economic benefits and environmental conservation. Lastly, the results highlight peatland conversion and greenhouse gas emissions. The peatland conversion for oil palm plantations and the associated use of fire to clear land underscores the severe environmental consequences, including increased greenhouse gas emissions. This aligns with existing research that highlights the carbon emissions resulting from peatland degradation and the use of fire in land clearance practices, contributing to global climate change [41, 42]. The results align with the prevailing research on palm oil production's environmental and societal impacts. It reinforces the urgency of addressing these issues through sustainable practices, conservation efforts, and international cooperation to mitigate the far-reaching consequences of palm oil expansion in Indonesia and other palm oil-producing regions. Deforestation is one of the main causes of climate change in the world. Forests have an important role in maintaining global climate balance.

5. Conclusion

The research aimed to analyze how to mitigate the impact of climate change caused by deforestation in Indonesia due to the high demand for palm oil. The primary questions were the environmental and societal impacts of deforestation driven by palm oil production in Indonesia and the strategies that can be employed to mitigate the climate change impact associated with deforestation in the Indonesian palm oil industry.

The study found that deforestation resulting from palm oil production in Indonesia has severe environmental and societal implications. This includes the loss of crucial forested habitats, reduced biodiversity, and a significant release of greenhouse gases due to carbon stock depletion. Furthermore, deforestation practices have led to conflicts with local communities and have negative effects on their livelihoods. The research identified key strategies to mitigate the climate change impact of deforestation in the Indonesian palm oil industry. These strategies include reducing global palm oil demand, promoting sustainable production practices, protecting important conservation areas, upholding the rights of local communities, and minimizing environmental damage. Collaboration among various stakeholders, including producers, companies, governments, civil society, and global consumers, is essential for implementing these strategies effectively.

As recommendations to address the challenges posed by deforestation in the Indonesian palm oil industry, it is imperative to implement stringent environmental regulations and certification standards to encourage sustainable palm oil production, advocate for responsible consumption practices among global consumers to reduce the demand for palm oil, strengthen the involvement of local communities in decision-making processes and ensure their rights are respected, and invest in research and innovation to develop environmentally friendly alternatives to palm oil.

Future research endeavors should explore the socio-economic impacts of palm oil production on local communities in greater depth, investigate the effectiveness of specific mitigation strategies, such as sustainable certification programs, in practice, and continuously monitor and assess the evolving environmental and societal impacts of the palm oil industry, considering changing global dynamics.

This study contributes to a deeper understanding of the intricate relationship between palm oil production, deforestation, and climate change in Indonesia. By identifying mitigation strategies and emphasizing the importance of global cooperation, it provides valuable insights for policymakers, industry stakeholders, and environmental organizations. The research underscores the urgency of addressing the environmental and societal challenges posed by the palm oil industry and offers a foundation for informed decision-making and sustainable practices to ensure a balanced future for both the environment and society.


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