Parallelisation Techniques for the Dual Reciprocity and Time-Dependent Boundary Element Method Algorithms

Parallelisation Techniques for the Dual Reciprocity and Time-Dependent Boundary Element Method Algorithms

Tim Bashford Kelvin Donne Arnaud Marotin Ala Al-Hussany

Faculty of Architecture, Computing and Engineering, University of Wales, Trinity Saint David Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom

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The Dual Reciprocity BEM (DRBEM) and the Time-Dependent BEM (TDBEM) are considered in the context of radiative and time-dependent thermal transport, respectively. In order to achieve sensible solution times for realistic 3D problems with large meshes, a range of optimisation techniques are considered, and a number of parallelisation techniques applied: shared memory using multi-core threading, Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) acceleration using CUDA, and distributed memory on a high performance cluster using MPI. Particular consideration is given to practical methods to invert large dense matrices


BEM, CUDA, MPI, threading


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