Upgrading of on premises dynamics CRM 2015

Upgrading of on premises dynamics CRM 2015

Syed Z.A.Soomro T.R. 

Department of Computer Science SZABIST, Dubai Campus, UAE

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The main objective of this paper is to investigate and identify the different challenges and issues involved in on premises Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 upgrade process from the older versions, and to make recommendations for organizations who are willing to upgrade their Dynamics CRM environment. An actual upgrade of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 to CRM 2015 is performed for a mid-sized organization and the process of upgrade is noted with the challenges and issues faced and the knowledge gathered which can provide insight for other organizations who are willing to upgrade their environment to consider before upgrade. Developer challenges are also discussed for custom code migration during upgrade process. Finally, latest Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2016 challenges are identified for future research work.


CRM, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Migration Challenges, On Premises CRM, Online CRM.

1. Introduction
2. Dynamics CRM Deployment Options
3. Microsoft Dynamics CRM Upgrade Options
4. Challenges of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Upgrade Scenarios
5. On Premise Migration Upgrade Option
6. Upgrade Findings
7. Conclusion & Future Work

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