Experimental Study of Air Pollution in the Urban Centre of the City of Messina

Experimental Study of Air Pollution in the Urban Centre of the City of Messina

M. CannistraroL. Ponterio Jingyu Cao 

Department of Architecture, University of Ferrara, Via della Ghiara 36, Ferrara 44121, Italy

Department of Engineering, University of Messina, salita di Dio, Messina 98100, Italy

Department of Thermal Science and Energy Engineering, University of Science and Technology of China, Hafei 230027, China

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1 May 2018
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3 June 2018
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In this paper is described an experimental study about air pollution in the urban centre of the city of Messina. This survey was carried out with the analysis of the data collected during an indoor/outdoor monitoring campaign that were four kinds of particulate: 0.3 µ, 0.5 µ, 1 µ e 5 µ, carbon dioxide, light and heavy vehicular traffic data, and the following thermic and hygrometric parameters: air temperature, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind direction and speed. All data surveys were accomplished in seventeen designed fixed positions situated in the center of the city, close to high capacity urban roads and to rail and nautical intersections. Only carbon dioxide was measured in eight fixed positions situated in the center of the city. Beside of the 17 fixed monitoring stations were also measured indoor values of particulate ad air temperature. Measurement instruments used were Abacus 301 for particulate, a thermo-hygrometer, a thermo-anemometer, a data logger Babuc ABC for measuring carbon dioxide. Vehicular traffic surveys were monitored in the 17 stations every hour. A linear regression analysis of the data highlighted that the air of the expressways of the urban centre of Messina is richer in contaminants than other parts of the city. In this paper is also reported an advanced method for air pollutants monitoring based upon a data-loggers mounted on the transports of the communal transportation society of Messina. Furthermore are explained the experimental measurement instrument used for monitoring data and the system of acquisition, recording and transmission data in real time. Acquired data, localized with GPS, may be useful for constructing or updating pollution maps in real time in the main roads of the city.


air pollution, measurement instruments, mobile data-logger

1. Introduction
2. Description of Analyzed Site
3. Measuring Equipment and Experimental Method
4. Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Concentrations
5. Analysis of Particulate Concentrations
6. Analysis of Indoor Air Quality
7. Measurements with Mobile Systems
8. Data Analysis and Conclusions

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