Effect of Rare Earth Elements on the Structure and Electrochemical Properties of La0.63R0.2Mg0.17Ni3.1Co0.3 Al0.1 Alloy Electrodes
Abstract: Hydrogen storage allous $L a_{06}, R_{0,} M g_{017} N i_{3,1} C o_{0,3} A l_{0,1}(R=L a, C e, P r, N d, Y, S m, \text { Gd})$ based on $A_{2} B_{7}$ type were prepared by induction melting method The allous were ampealed at $1173 \mathrm{K}$ during a week in a sealed stainless steel tribe. The structure and the electro-electrochemical properties of the annealed alloys have been studied systematically by XRD, EPMA and electrochemical studies. The alloys structure consists mainly of $C e_{2} N i_{7}-t y p e\left(S G: P 6_{3} / m m c\right) L a_{2} N i_{7}$ phase as well as minor Gd $_{2} Co_{7}$-type $(S G: R-3 m)$ phase, LaNis $CaCu_5$-type, SG:P6/mmm phase. It is resulted that $L a_{0.65} Y_{0.2}$Mg$_{0.15}$Ni$_{3.1}$ Coo. $_{3} A l_{0.1}$ alloy exhibited the maximum electrochemical discharge capacity of 381.2 mAh·g-1. The best cycling stability was obtained with the $L a_{0.65} G d_{0.2} M g_{0.15} N i_{3.1} C O_{0.3} A l_{0.1}$ based alloy. This stability measured as the capacity retention rate at the 100th cycle (S100) was the highest for this sample (92.7%). The variation of the high rate discharge ability with the alloy composition. Its displayed a wave-like change. Firstly it increased from 24.5% (R = La) to 78.4% (R = Ce), then decreased to 14.4 % (R = Sm), and increased again to 63.8% with R = Gd.
Rare earth elements; Alloy structure; Unit cell volume; Equilibrium pressure; Electrochemical properties
This work was supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China (No. 50941019) and Doctor Foundation of Binzhou University (2009Y02).
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