Evaluation of the method family concept and its application to agile methods

Evaluation of the method family concept and its application to agile methods

Rébecca Deneckère Elena Kornyshova

Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, 90 rue de Tolbiac, 75013 Paris, France

CEDRIC, CNAM, 2 rue Conté, 75003, Paris, France

Corresponding Author Email: 
rebecca.deneckere@univ-paris1.fr, elena.kornyshova@cnam.fr
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Situational Methods Engineering aims to provide different approaches for constructing methods of IS (Information System) development in function of projects on which they will be applied. One of the major issues is to convince the professionals of the utility of such approaches. Indeed, companies are generally convinced that these approaches are too complex and too time-and resource-consuming. The method family concept has been introduced to meet this challenge and offers an approach of constructing configurable and adaptable methods based on the context. We propose an evaluation of this approach by users to identify if it can meet this challenge. For this purpose we have applied the method family concept on agile methods by constructing a family dedicated to the launch of agile projects (LAP). In this paper, we propose an evaluation of the method family concept using a questionnaire addressed to potential users of this family. This evaluation has been made in two phases: of the method family concept it-self and of the LAP family. 


situational method engineering, method family, evaluation, questionnaire, Agile methods

1. Introduction
2. Cadre théorique et travaux connexes
3. Méthode de recherche
4. Résultats du questionnaire A : Concept de famille de méthodes
5. Résultats du questionnaire B : Famille LPA
6. Conclusion et travaux futurs

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