Antecedents and Consequences of Innovative Work Behavior in Indonesian Higher Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Antecedents and Consequences of Innovative Work Behavior in Indonesian Higher Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Rini Juni Astuti Tulus Haryono Mugi Harsono Hidajat Hendarsjah Tri Maryati 

Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia

Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55183, Indonesia

Corresponding Author Email:
1 September 2022
19 December 2022
31 December 2022
Available online: 
31 January 2023
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© 2023 IIETA. This article is published by IIETA and is licensed under the CC BY 4.0 license (



The COVID-19 pandemic has brought various social impacts on the higher education service industry (Higher Education Institutions/HEIs). Changes in the online learning process provide the reality of job stress and the demands of innovative behavior to demonstrate performance at HEIs in Indonesia also require innovative employees as a new approach to work. This study examined how the direct effect of workplace happiness on innovative work behavior and innovative work behavior to work performance, by placing job stress as a mediator on workplace happiness to innovative work behavior. The purposive sampling was employed with the criteria of permanent lecturers and having a National Lecturer Identification Number. This study employed a survey method by which a total 354 lectures of private HEIs participated (Muhammadiyah and Aisiyah College). The research model was tested using PLS_SEM Modelling and descriptive-interpretive coding. The results uncovered that workplace happiness had a positive effect on innovative work behavior, workplace happiness had a negative effect on job stress, job stress had a negative effect on innovative work behavior, innovative work behavior had a positive effect on work performance. In addtion, the mediation result was supported, where job stress mediate the effect of workplace happiness on innovative work behavior.


workplace happiness, job stress, innovative work behavior, work performance

1. Introduction

The COVID-19 pandemic has hugely impacted human resources management worlwide both in the service and manufacturing industries [1] in the world. Notably, the higher education sector as a service industry has high demands for creating significant learning changes and impacting interactions between educational institutions, lecturers, and students [2]. Then, early 2020 is the year of many changes, adaptations, adoptions, and developments in higher education. Consequently, these major changes must be accompanied by innovative behavior [3]. In addition, research on employees' innovative attitudes and behaviors has been conducted outside Indonesia, but tends to focus on manufacturing-work contexts rather than services [4]. As a developing country where the economy is experiencing rapid growth because it is driven mainly by the service sector [5] Indonesia is a potential area for research on innovative behavior, especially in higher education.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, higher education in Indonesia continued to conduct learning activities that usually carried out the teaching and learning process between lecturers and students with direct/face-to-face/offline meetings, which have switched to online meetings [6]. The transition to the learning model then makes lecturers face demands for innovative behavior so that they look for strategic and innovative ways of conducting online learning to allow students to follow the learning process well [7]. The transition of such a learning model also requires fast and adaptable innovation so that the learning model can be implemented even though it is gradual [8]. Innovation, which has been concentrated on economic growth, development, and organization, has now penetrated how to improve the performance and competitiveness of human resources [9]. In addition, innovation is very much needed and becomes essential with changes in the environment, economy, and globalization, so it has become the primary topic in research and is in great demand [10, 11].

Moreover, innovative work behavior arises because of a potential driver, i.e., workplace happiness [12]. In other words, workplace happiness affects employees' innovative work behavior [13] related to positive emotions in the field of human resources, especially positive psychology. This study, therefore, contributes that positive emotions affect employee attitudes and behaviors. Previous research has suggested a failure to cope with positive emotions (such as employee happiness), which have negative implications for organizational success, i.e., low employee happiness has an impact on organizational success, this happens because of high work pressure from the company so that employees are productive [14, 15]. Besides, several factors can influence employee innovative work behavior, including workplace happiness, perceived support from colleagues, and job stress [16].

This innovative work behavior can refer to creating and implementing new ideas in an organization. Additionally, during the pandemic, the emergence of innovative work behavior in higher education that all academic activities usually conducted on campus must be carried out from home. Students, lecturers, and employees are forced to study/work from home (WFH) to prevent the increase and accelerate the reduction of the COVID-19 pandemic. Policies and the pandemic phenomenon, whose impact was extraordinary and occurred so quickly, have also forced the world of higher education to change the pattern of service work from conventional to online-based services [17]. As a result, lecturers and employees experience stress and emotional increase in carrying out learning activities that have changed from offline (face-to-face) to online [18] and intensified by a not yet well-established online education system in the developing countries [19]. On the other hand, innovative work behavior has a role in improving employee performance so that the organization will obtain more effective organizational performance results [20]. Nevertheless, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the learning process of Indonesian higher education in the form of learning processes through online platforms so that teachers must have innovation and creation. For this reason, this research is vital and not only limited to completing existing pro-contra but also contributes to the COVID-19 condition in Indonesian higher education. This study, therefore, aims to analyze and describe the effect of workplace happiness on lecturers' innovative work behavior mediated by job stress and the impact of innovative work behavior on lecturer performance at private higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia.

2. Literature Review

2.1 Higher education institutions (HEIs) in Indonesia

Higher education institutions (HEIs) are organizations with the capacity to manage economic balance, social dimensions, and the environment in the process towards organizational sustainability in the field of education [21]. Moreover, HEIs can be owned by the government and public or private ownership [22]. HEIs have an essential role in enhancing their development through creating awareness, generating and disseminating knowledge, and developing employee skills, particularly innovative behavior [23, 24]. In Indonesia HEIs, primarily private HEIs, the authors see that HEIs have a focus on improving human resources on the innovative behavior of the academic community, which is positive behavior as a demand for HEIs to develop in carrying out the learning process and gain recognition from outside parties, regionally, nationally, and internationally.

2.2 Workplace happiness

Workplace happiness occurs when employees express happy emotions, such as pleasure, about HEIs’ work environment or joy and other positive emotions similar to the pleasure they are expected to experience in a social context [25, 26]. As such, happiness at work occurs when the work environment can meet the psychological needs of employees, such as growth and development, the meaningfulness of work, empowerment, behavioral norms, work socialization, and constructive feedback [27]. According to Seligman [28], happiness is a form of positive emotion consisting of pleasure, involvement, and meaning. Thus, happiness is intrinsic [29]. “If we have a peaceful state of mind, we will be happy regardless of people and circumstances.”

Furthermore, true and ultimate happiness comes from the state of mind, and its cause cannot be found outside the mind. Hanh [30] also stated that a person's happiness can transmit his happiness to others and will strengthen collective happiness. Hence, workplace happiness becomes the basis for employee behavior in creating a conducive and creative work atmosphere, thereby improving individual and organizational performance.

2.3 Job stress

Job stress is an individual state in an organization with conditions and events that can cause psychological and/or physiological discomfort from normal functioning [31, 32]. This discomfort results from anticipated or missed opportunities, constraints on goal-directed behavior, or demands that lead to essential but uncertain outcomes [33]. According to Cameron Montgomery, Blodgett [34], job stress is a dysfunctional condition that reduces commitment and productivity, while Williams, Konrad [35] emphasized that the short-term outcome of job stress has physiological and behavioral effects that lead to poor work performance. Furthermore, stress can lead to mental health disorders and depression [36]. In this case, job stress is a psychological condition in the form of work pressure that affects the decline in employee performance [37].

Meanwhile, the factors that trigger job stress are having little or no support from management, inadequate contribution in decision-making, and excessive workload [38]. Thus, the body's adverse reaction to demands at work is called job stress [39]. Conversely, job stress managed well by the organization will not cause mental and physical health problems and will have the impact of increasing positive emotions and behavior so that individual creativity and performance will increase.

2.4 Innovative work behavior

Innovative behavior involves an employee applying new creative ideas to his work, group, or organization [40, 41]. Innovative behavior is a new idea to produce a new product, method, or process to improve individual or group performance from implementing behavior [42]. Innovative work behavior is also an innovation that is generated and is broader than creativity, and there is an implementation of the ideas created [43]. Besides, innovative work behavior is complex since it is challenging to generate practical, new, proactive, and realistic ideas [23, 44]. Moreover, the current generation of digitalization increasingly requires organizational members with high innovation and creativity to adapt to rapid changes.

2.5 Work performance

Individual work results in performance [45]. Performance is also a relevant outcome measure of studies in work settings. In addition, individual performance differs from one job to another [46]. Individual work performance appraisals are, thus, primarily focused either on objective measures of work productivity (such as the number of days absent, number of specific actions, or outputs stored in organizational records) or on subjective assessments of the quantity and quality of work by the employees themselves, colleagues, or supervisors [47]. Moreover, employee performance results from work that can improve organizational performance, where employees are an asset to an organization to generate significant profits [48]. Campbell, McHenry [49] developed a framework in which five dimensions describe performance: 1) core technical skills, 2) general skills, 3) effort and leadership, 4) personal discipline, and 5) physical fitness. Further, constantly growing organizations are very concerned about the performance produced by their members to compete with other organizations, and the organization is also sustainable in maintaining its existence. For this reason, intrinsic and extrinsic incentives are needed to increase employee performance.

3. Hypothesis Development

3.1 Workplace happiness and innovative work behavior

Workplace happiness (WPH) occurs when employees feel happy at work and see their work environment as fun [50]. Happy employees can pour their creativity into beneficial innovations for the organization. Meanwhile, innovation is a creative idea or mind to produce a new object or work method that has never existed before and has many benefits [51, 52]. Further, workplace happiness is a pleasant assessment (positive attitude) or pleasant experience (positive feeling, mood, emotion, or state of flow) at work [53]. Workplace happiness happens when employees express happy emotions, such as pleasure, about HEIs’ work environment or joy and other positive emotions similar to pleasure, which are expected to be experienced in a social context [25, 26]. Workplace happiness can also meet the psychological needs of employees in growth and development, work benefits, empowerment, good behavior, work socialization, and feedback that can provide benefits. Hence, this study focuses on workplace happiness as a psychological need that understands, supports, and fulfills employee happiness to achieve eudemonic happiness [54]. According to Pryce-Jones [55], this happiness is the primary driver of innovative work behavior since it can stimulate creativity, maximize performance, and enable employees to reach their potential. Gupta [56] also found and strongly argued that happy employees tend to be significantly more productive, generating innovative ideas.

Happy employees can also show positive attitudes and behaviors, which can influence other employees at work, thus providing a broad overview of innovative work behavior [16, 57, 58]. Furthermore, a study of Zia, Naveed [59] on employees of full-time business universities/HEIs in Pakistan uncovered that workplace happiness affected innovative work behavior. Thus, based on the studies and discussion above, the researchers predicted that:

H1: Workplace happiness has a positive effect on innovative work behavior.

3.2 Workplace happiness and job stress

Job stress is an individual condition in an organization with circumstances and events that provide psychological or physiological discomfort from normal functioning [60, 61]. Such discomfort can be recognized due to missed opportunities and demands that lead to essential but uncertain outcomes. Job stress can also occur by looking at brief psychological states, such as anxiety and tension. Furthermore, a situation like this can diverge into a more prolonged state, such as health problems, decreased productivity, and mental health problems [62, 63].

Due to the high-stress work, every organization must provide its employees with comfort, security, and happiness. Creating a sense of happiness in the workplace aims to distance one's behavior from negative emotions [27]. Happiness can also broaden one's thinking by enabling one to think creatively [64]. When a person's mind is preoccupied with positive thoughts, it automatically narrows the space for negative thinking. As a result, it can protect employees' health from health hazards, such as heart attacks, headaches, strokes, high blood pressure, and others. On the other hand, positive emotions can lower a person's blood pressure while reducing the risk of heart injury [65, 66]. It is also explained that employee happiness will lower or reduce job stress. Furthermore, empirically, employee happiness negatively affected job stress [67-69]. Thus, based on the studies and discussion above, we predict:

H2: Workplace happiness has a negative effect on job stress.

3.3 Job Stress, workplace happiness and innovative work behavior

Innovative work behavior is a form of implementation of an employee to new ideas in his work, group, or organization [20, 70]. The emergence of new ideas in work and organization can increase the income of a process and the output of a new product, thereby increasing one's implementation [42, 71]. The innovative work behavior of employees in the workplace has four dimensions: idea exploration, idea generation, idea championing, and idea implementation [72].

Job stress has a negative effect and indicates the capability of innovative work behavior. The concept of job stress refers to emotionally and physically damaging employee response that occurs when job demands exceed the worker's abilities, resources, or needs [73]. It is caused by a higher level of stress, which tends to reduce the desire of individuals to innovate and innovative work behavior. In contrast, the effect of stress on innovative work behavior considers its indirect impact [52].

Moreover, job stress can mediate the effect of workplace happiness on innovative work behavior [74]. It can be done by mediating between workplace happiness and innovative work behavior, or when employees enjoy a happy work environment, their job stress is reduced, and they tend to be innovative. However, employees who feel workplace happiness but experience stress will have bad innovative work behavior [16]. Hence, lecturers at HEIs who are happy at work will feel dedicated and have an effective relationship with their work to reduce job stress, thereby increasing innovative work behavior. Thus,

H3: Job stress has a negative effect on innovative work behavior.

H4: Job stress significantly mediates the effect of workplace happiness on innovative work behavior.

3.4 Innovative work behavior and work performance

The results of individual work are a performance [75]. Performance is also a relevant outcome measure of studies in occupational settings, where individual performance differs from job to job [46]. Primarily, individual work performance appraisals are focused on objective measures of work productivity (such as the number of days absent, the number of specific actions, or outputs stored in the organization's records) or on subjective assessments of the quantity and quality of work by the employees themselves, colleagues, or supervisors [47]. Furthermore, the study results revealed that innovative work behavior could affect one's performance, i.e., giving feelings to oneself and the team as part of negotiations to process information and social experiences as a form of the emergence of collective feelings [76, 77]. The results of study conducted by De Jong and Den Hartog [72] explained that innovative work behavior improved performance in the workplace. Similar result by Janssen [78] also elucidated that individuals have planned, anticipated, and detected opportunities for improvement and developed creative solutions to achieve work results. Also, the study results described that innovative work behavior positively affected work performance [77]. Therefore,

H5: Innovative work behavior has a positive effect on work performance

Research frameworks and hypotheses are illustrated in

Figure 1 the following:

Figure 1. Research frameworks

4. Methodology

4.1 Participants

The population in this study was lecturers of private HEIs (Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Colleges) in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the samples involved were permanent lecturers selected using the purposive sampling method. The sample selection method for respondents employed the following criteria: the lecturers had been registered in the database of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia, had a National Lecturer Identification Number, and had the legality to work as a lecturer, including understanding the teaching and learning process, research, and community service (Catur Dharma) at HEIs so that they had the opportunity to innovate and perform.

To collect data, the researchers utilized a survey form developed based on the existing scale in the literature [79], in which a survey/questionnaire form was prepared online (google form). The questionnaire consisted of demographic questions and closed and open-structured research questions. Meanwhile, the number of questionnaires filled in was 354 questionnaires from permanent lecturers who met the criteria. The number of respondents in this study also met the requirements of the minimum number of respondents [80], which is five times the number of questions from the instrument used (354 > 110).

4.2 Measurement

The identification of research variables and measurements was carried out by adapting the measurements from previous studies. Workplace happiness was measured by the workplace happiness dimensions by Fisher [53]. Job stress was determined by the job stress dimensions by Goldberg [79]. Meanwhile, innovative work behavior was calculated by the innovative work behavior dimensions by Scott and Bruce [81]. Also, performance was gauged by individual performance dimensions by Koopmans, Bernaards [82]. Then, measurements were made using a Likert-5 scale. A Likert scale with a score of “1=strongly disagree” to “5=strongly agree” was used for favorable questions, and a Likert scale with a score of “5=strongly disagree” to “1=strongly agree” was employed for unfavorable questions.

4.3 Data analysis

In this study, Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) was used to test the structural model. PLS-SEM tends to cope with data distribution and multicollinearity problems [83].

5. Results

The data collection technique in this study utilized a questionnaire distributed online. Of the samples that met the criteria set by the researchers, the number who responded to private HEIs in Indonesia was 354 respondents. All respondents who filled out the research questionnaire were eligible for analysis. Of the 354 respondents involved in this study, 142 (40%) were male, and 212 (60%) were female.

Table 1 depicts the sample demographics. After eliminating the unsuitable respondents, the remaining 354 responses (data) proceeded in the data analysis process.

Table 1. Sample demographic











Age (Year):












Academic position

Assistant Prof



Assoc. Prof













Number of sample



Table 2. Variable descriptive analysis




Std. Deviation

Workplace Happiness (WH)




Job Stress(JS)




Innovative Work Behavior (IWB)




Work Performance (WP)




Table 3. Convergent validity and reliability test results




Workplace Happiness (WH) : CA 0.896; CR0.918; AVE 0.606


I feel strong and passionate as a lecturer



I am enthusiastic about my work



I got carried away when I worked



I am satisfied with the work I do



I am happy to live my career



I feel emotionally attached to the university



I feel a sense of belonging to the university


Job Stress (JS): CA 0.799; CR 0.861; AVE 0.553


 I can concentrate well on completing Catur Dharma assignments during the COVID-19 pandemic



I feel a role in achieving the target of Catur Dharma assignments from the university



I feel a role in achieving the target of Catur Dharma assignments from the university



I can enjoy the activities and tasks of Catur Dharma during the COVID-19 pandemic



I can deal with problems that occur in achieving the task of Catur Dharma


Innovative Work Behavior (IWB): CA 0.871; CR 0.902; AVE 0.606


I develop innovative and creative ideas to carry out Catur Dharma activities



I propose my creative ideas and convince others



I am looking for a new technique, method, or service technique for users



I provide a suitable plan to develop a career as a lecturer and work



I contribute to securing the funding and resources needed to implement innovations



I consider myself to be a creative member of the team in study programs and universities


Work Performance (WP) CA 0.849; CR 0.892; AVE 0.624


I do the work according to the plan so they can complete it work according to the target



I plan optimal Catur Dharma in career development



As a lecturer, I always remember the results (goals) that must be achieved



I can separate the primary problem from other problems at work (for example: I can separate the problem family with from  problems at work)



Can do my job well with the most efficient time and effort possible


Source: own research

Note: CA: Cronbach’s Alpha; CR: Composite Reliability; AVE: Average Variance Extracted; WH5,WH6, JS2, JS5,JS6, JS 9, JS10, JS11, JS12 were dropped due to low loadings.

The data processing results in Table 2 show that (1) the mean workplace happiness value was 4.44, so the lecturer's workplace happiness was classified as good, with an average standard deviation of 0.42. (2) The mean job stress was 1.94, so it can be concluded that lecturers were stressed (unfavorable), with an average standard deviation of 0.45. (3) The mean value of innovative work behavior was 4.03, so it can be said that the innovative work behavior of lecturers was good, with an average standard deviation of 0.49. Lastly, 4) the mean lecturer's work performance value was 4.18, so it can be stated that the lecturer's work performance was good, with an average standard deviation of 0.42. Overall, the standard deviation values for all variables were below the mean value, so it can be inferred that the data on workplace happiness, job stress, innovative work behavior, and work performance were homogeneous.

Furthermore, the measurement model assessment (validity and reliability) was first carried out before assessing the structural model to examine constructs relationships within the model. It should be noted that in this research model, the reflective type was used. As such, validity assessment techniques for reflective constructs, convergent and discriminant validity tests, and reliability are the benchmarks. The values of loading, AVE, discriminant validity, Cronbach's Alpha, and composite reliability are requirements for reflective constructs [83]. Based on the measurement model assessment results in the first test, the loading values of WH5, WH6, JS2, JS5, JS6, JS 9, JS10, JS11, and JS12 were less than 0.50. Therefore, as F. Hair Jr, Sarstedt [83] suggested, they were dropped. In the second assessment (Table 3), it was found that all loadings of all constructions were more than 0.50, as required. It is corroborated by the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) value of all reflective constructs, which is more than 0.50. These results indicate that all reflective constructs had met convergent validity.

Moreover, the inner or structural model was carried out to see the research model's relationship between variables, significance values, and R-square. The structural model was evaluated using R-square for the dependent variable. The results revealed that the R-square value of the IWB variable was 0.335, meaning that the IWB variability that WH and JS could explain was 33.5% (Table 4). In addition, the JS variable R-square of 0.244 indicates that the variability of JS that the WH variable could explain was 24.2%. As for the WP variable, the R-square value was 0.335, demonstrating that the WP variability that could be explained by the WH, JS, and IWB variables was 33.5%. In this regard, the higher the R-square value, the greater the ability of the independent variable to explain the dependent variable, so the better the structural equation.

Table 4. R Square


R Square







Since this research used directed hypothesis predictions, the rule of thumb for hypothesis testing used a one-tailed approach. It is where the p-value at level 0.05 (95% probability) is equivalent to a t-value of 1.64 [80]. Table 5 displays that all hypotheses were supported with 0.05 levels of significance. For the mediation test results, it is known that the direct effect of WH on IWB was 0.201 (20.1%), less than the value of the indirect effect of WH through JS on IWB of 0.229 (22.9%), significant at 0.05 (5%). In addition, based on the value of confident intervals, the indirect relationship could be stated to be significant at 97.5% > 80, so full mediation could be concluded [79]. The following figure is 2 the  structural model assessment results.

Table 5. Structural model assessment results (hypothesis testing)



Original Sample





Direct effect








WH -> JS





















Indirect effect (mediation)

WH-> JS -> IWB







*p<0.05 –   WH: Workplace Happiness; JS: Job Stress; IWB: Innovative Work Behavior; WP: Work Performance

Figure 2. Structural model assessment results

Given to 354 respondents, the open-ended questions asked were "How do you feel about workplace happiness as Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Colleges’ lecturers at your university?" The 354 respondents gave various answers to the open questions above (the recapitulation was in the processed data source). Furthermore, the researchers conducted data reduction and categorization to synthesize the suitability of the categories. Meanwhile, the results of the interpretive descriptive analysis are as follows:

From the data processing results in Table 6, it can be concluded that the forms of workplace happiness felt by private HEIs, especially by Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Colleges’ lecturers, are as follows

  1. Working as part of worship with Islamic values in integrating religion and science
  2. Enthusiasm to meet colleagues and students to complete work and learning
  3. Availability of adequate facilities for lecturer career development
  4. Target-based and family-based competitive work environment to promote creative ideas with the full support of university leaders
  5. Providing information on university concerns to colleagues outside the workplace
  6. Getting a balance of spiritual, career, and financial, thus always enthusiastic to work

Table 6. Interpretative descriptive analysis






Working as part of worship as the integration of religion and science


Working as part of worship with Islamic values in integrating religion and science


Working with Islamic values and a solid family environment


Excited and happy to meet colleagues and students


Enthusiasm to meet colleagues and students to complete work and learning


Meeting colleagues to get work done


Being grateful for the work trip


Availability of adequate facilities for lecturer career development


Adequate facilities and good career development


Family environment with the full support of university leaders


Target-based and family-based competitive work environment to promote creative ideas with the full support of university leaders


Competitive and target-based work environment


Motivated to make creative ideas  achieve work


Providing information on university concerns to colleagues outside the workplace


Providing information on university concerns to colleagues outside the workplace


Getting spiritual, career, and financial balance


Getting a balance of spiritual, career, and financial, thus always enthusiastic to work


Positive thinking and enthusiasm at work

Source: Processed by the researchers

6. Discussion

6.1 The effect of workplace happiness on innovative work behavior

The results showed that workplace happiness positively affected innovative work behavior. These results support previous studies [16, 57-59]. In other words, innovative work behavior would coherently increase when lecturers felt continuously and increasingly happy at work. It can be seen from the descriptive results that the mean workplace happiness for lecturers was good at 4.44 (Likert scale of 1-5), with good innovative work behavior’s mean of 4.03 (Likert scale of 1-5). Another illustrative result is that workplace happiness was good and increasing, accompanied by increased innovative work behavior. It was that lecturers felt happy working at the HEIs. The criteria for a good lecturer's happiness are always enthusiastic about completing work, enjoying a career as a lecturer, having an emotional bond, and feeling that belonging to HEIs as a workplace [53].

From the results of descriptive interpretative analysis, it is also known that lecturers had a passion for work and were supported by spiritual values-worship and Islamic values to integrate religion and science in the teaching system. Moreover, there was the availability of adequate facilities for the career development of lecturers, followed by a target-based and family-based competitive work environment to promote creative ideas with the full support of university leaders and obtain a spiritual, career, and financial balance, thereby always enthusiastic about working. Lecturers also implemented workplace happiness by providing information on university concerns to colleagues outside the workplace.

6.2 The effect of workplace happiness on job stress

In this study, workplace happiness had a negative effect on job stress. The results are also in accordance with the results of previous studies [66-69]. Hence, it can be concluded that workplace happiness negatively and significantly affects work behavior. When Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Colleges’ lecturers felt happy at work, the perceived job stress decreased. It can be seen from the descriptive results that the mean workplace happiness felt by lecturers was good, with a value of 4.44 (Likert scale of 1-5), even though lecturers still felt job stress. Other results demonstrate that lecturers felt happy working in institutions, as the results of the descriptive interpretative analysis. From this, it can be seen that although with high work pressure to achieve individual performance targets, lecturers felt happy when doing work in the Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Colleges environment because of the target-based and family-based competitive work environment to increase creative ideas, with support from university leaders and other lecturers. In addition, there were other supporting factors, in this case, spiritual, career, and financial gains, thereby always enthusiastic about doing work.

6.3 The effect of job stress on innovative work behavior

The results revealed that job stress had a negative effect on innovative work behavior. These results reinforce previous research that job stress affects innovative work behavior [51]. Therefore, it can be denoted that job stress partially had a negative and significant effect on the innovative work behavior of lecturers. When lecturers felt that job stress decreased, innovative work behavior would increase, so they could quickly get creative ideas and new strategies in teaching. In the quantitative calculation, it can be seen in the descriptive results that the mean lecturer who experienced job stress was 1.94, with a Likert scale test of 1-5, with good innovative work behavior results with a mean of 4.03. In addition, the job stresses felt by lecturers were due to the achievement of performance targets that should be carried out every year, coupled with other learning and administrative burdens as a form of lecturer professionalism. Lecturers also encountered job stress in achieving performance while maintaining innovative work behavior, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as the online learning process with targets that should be met and Catur Dharma obligations that should be reported annually on annual performance.

On the other hand, it turned out that lecturers felt happy working at Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Colleges. It was lecturers who always had the enthusiasm to meet colleagues and students to complete work and learning, fulfilled the completeness and availability of adequate facilities for lecturer career development, and followed by target-based and family-based competitive work environment to improve creative ideas. Furthermore, from the institutional and leadership point of view, the university provided a balance of spiritual, career, and financial so that lecturers were always enthusiastic about doing work. It is what made innovative work behavior persist even though job stress was experienced by lecturers so that they could contribute to Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Colleges in achieving individual performance, unit performance, and university performance.

6.4 The effect of workplace happiness on innovative work behavior mediated by job stress

The results uncovered that job stress mediated the effect of workplace happiness on innovative work behavior. The results of this study also support previous research by Al-Hawari, Bani-Melhem [9], Bani-Melhem, Zeffane [16], Palmiero, Nori [74] which stated that job stress is part of the feeling process and workload in achieving performance, especially in the process of bringing up innovative work behavior. In this study, lecturers during the COVID-19 pandemic continued to carry out teaching and learning activities, research, publications, community service, and remote/online and offline, with a sense of happiness at work, giving responsibility to universities to create job stress that could increase innovative behavior. It was due to the support of a target-based and family-based competitive work environment to increase creative ideas with full support from university leaders.

6.5 The effect of innovative work behavior on work performance

The results demonstrated that innovative work behavior affected work performance. The results of this study also agree with previous research on perceived workplace performance at the individual and team levels and the varied effects of the form of trust [76]. In line with those studies, it can be concluded that innovative work behavior partially had a positive effect on the work performance of lecturers [72, 78]. From the calculations, it can also be seen that the performance pattern would also increase with innovative work behavior. The descriptive results of lecturers' mean innovative work behavior were in the good category at 4.03 (Likert scale 1-5), with good performance with a mean of 4.18 (Likert scale 1-5). Other results revealed that the innovative work behavior of lecturers increased, accompanied by increased performance. It was because the lecturers felt happy working at the institution. With the descriptive interpretative analysis results, it is known that lecturers had the enthusiasm to meet colleagues and students to complete work and learning, where higher education provided adequate facilities for lecturer career development and maintenance of target-based and family-based competitive work environment to enhance creative ideas by the full support of the university leadership.

Hence, this study concludes that most hypotheses were supported, and some were not supported. The research results supported are those with a significant effect, with the following results: (1) workplace happiness positively affected innovative work behavior. (2) Workplace happiness had a negative effect on job stress. (3) Job stress had a negative effect on innovative work behavior. (4) Innovative work behavior had a positive effect on work performance. Meanwhile, the indirect effect research results were not supported by mediation, stating that job stress did not mediate the effect of workplace happiness on innovative work behavior.

In addition, based on the descriptive interpretative analysis results with coding from open questions, it is known that the happiness pattern of Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Colleges’ lecturers at the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia, had six dimensions. They are (1) working as part of worship with Islamic values in integrating religion and knowledge, (2) having the enthusiasm to meet colleagues and students to complete work and learning, (3) receiving the availability of adequate facilities for lecturer career development, (4) having a target-based and family-based competitive work environment to enhance creative ideas with the full support of the university leader, (5) providing information on university concerns to colleagues outside the workplace, and (6) obtaining a spiritual, career, and financial balance, thereby always enthusiastic about working.

The study results have further provided an overview of the workplace happiness model and pattern of Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Colleges’ lecturers in the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province. Thus, the researchers give recommendations to Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, and Universitas Aisiyah, as business charities under the auspices of the Muhammadiyah and Aisiyah Colleges in the Special Region of Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia, that the workplace happiness pattern composed of five dimensions as mentioned above to be managed optimally to realize optimal lecturer performance with the task of Catur Dharma (College Tri Dharma and Al Islam Kemuhammadiyahan) to achieve superior human resource positions in accordance with university accreditation.

7. Conclusion

This study illustrates that workplace happiness had a positive effect on innovative work behavior, workplace happiness had a negative effect on job stress, job stress had a negative effect on innovative work behavior, and innovative work behavior had a positive effect on work performance. Meanwhile, the indirect effect research results were supported by mediation, stating that job stress mediated the effect of workplace happiness on innovative work behavior. In addition, the descriptive interpretation analysis results with open-ended question codes and utilizing video calls in conducting interviews demonstrated that although not all technology networks in Indonesia have good signals when doing this, it is known that the lecturers' happiness pattern had six factors. They are (1) working as part of worship with Islamic values in integrating religion and science, (2) enthusiasm to meet colleagues and students to complete work and study, (3) availability of adequate facilities for lecturer career development, (4) target-based and family-based competitive work environment to increase creative ideas with the full support of university leaders, (5) informing university's concerns to colleagues outside the workplace, and (6) getting a spiritual, career and financial balance, thereby always enthusiastic about working

Therefore, higher education management needs to pay attention to the stress symptoms experienced by lecturers because of the demands for the utilization of technology, which is a must in the online learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this regard, the demand for transformation is to be carried out by generation X lecturers/employees or baby boomers, who are defined as a generation that does not really refer to technology, so their knowledge and expertise in utilizing technology are still lacking. On the contrary, it is different from lecturers who are generation Y or millennials and even generation Z who already understand and are reliable in operating technology to support distance/online learning. In addition, higher education management, especially the human resources department, is the leading sector focused on improving the capabilities of employees and lecturers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, they can bring up lecturers' innovative work behavior, especially workplace happiness, by always contributing ideas, thoughts, and involvement in Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Colleges at the individual, study program, faculty, and university levels. In the future, individual performance, unit performance, and university performance are expected to be realized in an integrative manner and increase recognition at regional, national, and international levels.

7.1 Limitation and recommendations

Regarding the dimensions structured as a form of workplace happiness pattern in the Muhammadiyah and Aisiyah Colleges’ lecturers, future research can examine the dimensions used as a form of the variable dimension of workplace happiness at Muhammadiyah and Aisiyah Colleges. Then, since this research was carried out during the COVID-19 pandemic with limited frequent meetings with respondents, the researchers could not explore more deeply related to respondents' perceptions in the questionnaire distributed via a google form. While the variables used were still limited, it is necessary to add variables or refine the model in further studies so that the research results can be described in detail and specifically.

7.2 Disclosure and conflicts of interest

This research has no element of interest.


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