In the past few years, technology has developed a lot in making our lives simpler. With the evolution of internet and mobile technology coupled with the parallel development of a variety of embedded systems, the focus towards a smart world has gained momentum and has given us a new concept, the Internet of Things. As a result, much of today’s technology is automated and the developers are developing systems which gather data from various sensor systems which can be sent to any part of world through the Internet and can be used for a vareity of purposes, including controlling of devices. In this paper, we have attempted to study one such Internet protocol which makes such a communication possible, the MQTT protocol. Using an Environmental monitoring system, we will determine the viability of such a protocol for transmission of sensor data and then use the same data to control electronic devices. We also compare the MQTT protocol with the traditional HTTP protocol and attempt to find out which protocol is the better one.
MQTT protocol, internet of things, mobile technology, embedded systems, communication
I would like to thank Professor Nilay Kumar Nag for the guidance and the Department of MCA of MCKV Institute of Engineering for providing us with the support and infrastructure required for such a task. I would also like to thank International Conference on Advances in Science and Technology 2017 (ICAST 2017) for providing us with the platform for sharing our knowledge and findings.
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