Secured Communications in Cognitive Radio Networks

Secured Communications in Cognitive Radio Networks

T. PerarasiG. Nagarajan 

Department of ECE, Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry 605 104, India

Corresponding Author Email:
22 March 2018
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15 June 2018
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Enabling end to end secure communications between source and sink is significant for many

Cognitive Radio Networks (CRNs). While there have been many works devoted to hop by

hop secure communications, the issue of end to end secure communications is largely

ignored. In this paper, an end to end secure communication protocol in randomly deployed

CRNs is designed. Specifically; this protocol is based on a methodology called

differentiated key pre-distribution. The core idea is to distribute different number of keys to

different nodes to enhance the resilience of certain links. This feature is leveraged during

routing, where users route through those links with higher resilience. Using rigorous

theoretical analysis, an expression for the quality of end to end secure communications is

derived and uses it to determine optimum protocol parameters. Extensive performance

evaluation illustrates that the proposed solution can provide highly secure communications

between relays and sink in randomly deployed CRNs.


attacks, differential key pre-distribution,

EGPSR,GPSR, hop by hop communication,

routing protocol

1. Introduction
2. Existing System
3. Proposed Method
4. Results and Discussion
5. Conclusion

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