Recommendations of Products Based on Combination of Collaborative, Content and Pearson Filtering

Recommendations of Products Based on Combination of Collaborative, Content and Pearson Filtering

Jyostna D. Bodapati Naralasetti VeeranjaneyuluMalkari M. Rao

Vignan’s Foundation for Science, Technology and Research, Vadlamudi 522213, AP, India

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18 April 2018
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31 May 2018
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In today’s world the numbers of ecommerce companies are increasing day by day and also huge number of products is coming into the market. When customers want to buy the products they generally just see a numerical rating of the products and then purchase them. Later they come to know that products are not good.  3 kinds of rating systems are implemented in this work namely collaborative rating, content based rating and Pearson rating.  In the implementation makes use of latest technology stack namely spring framework for the backend and Ext JS Framework for the front end. Content Based recommendations are based on user past transactions, Collaborative recommendations are based on rating from across the users and Pearson recommendations takes logged in user and other user ratings to provide better quantifying recommendations.


content, collaborative and pearson recommendations

1. Introduction
2. Back Ground
3. Algorithms
4. Implementation Details
5. Results
6. Conclusions

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