Some Aspects of Picture Fuzzy Set

Some Aspects of Picture Fuzzy Set

Palash Dutta Silpashree Ganju 

Dept. of Mathematics, Dibrugarh University-India 786001

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15 March 2017
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15 April 2017
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In this paper, decomposition theorems of picture fuzzy set (PFS) have been proved. (⍺,δ,β)-cut of picture fuzzy set have been defined and some of its properties are studied. Later on extension principle for PFS has been defined and studied some of its properties. Finally, picture fuzzy arithmetic based on extension principle has been performed.


Fuzzy set, Fuzzy arithmetic, Extension principle, Picture fuzzy set

1. Introduction
2. Preliminaries
3. Proposition (Cuong and Kreinovich, 2013)
4. Decomposition Theorem for PFS
5. Properties of Picture Fuzzy Set
6. Extension Principle of PFS
7. Picture Fuzzy Arithmetic
8. Conclusion

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