Multiagent approaches for the allocation of routes to a fleet of autonomous taxis

Multiagent approaches for the allocation of routes to a fleet of autonomous taxis

Gauthier Picard Flavien Balbo Olivier Boissier  

Univ Lyon, MINES Saint-Étienne, CNRS, Laboratoire Hubert Curien UMR 5516 Saint-Étienne, France

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This work is interested in decentrally solving a taxi allocation problem over a fleet of autonomous taxis. Classically, to solve this problem, requests are centralized into a portal where a dispatcher allocates requests to taxis (ideally, in an optimal manner). This requires taxis have continuous access to the portal. However, getting access to such global communication infrastructureis very expensive for taxi companies. The idea here is to use new affordable vehicle-to-vehicle communication technologies to coordinate taxis without global communication infrastructure. Our approach is presented and empirically evaluated via simulations. We have developed different scenarios with different communication infrastructure and coordination mechanisms, and we analyze, their resulting quality of service, user welfare, gain and robustness to message loss.  


resource allocation, autonomous taxis, DCOP

1. Introduction
2. Problème d’allocation de taxi (TSAP)
3. Modèle multiagent
4. Évaluations
5. Travaux liés
6. Conclusions

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