Graph transformation language and server for the Web of data

Graph transformation language and server for the Web of data

Olivier Corby Catherine Faron Zucker 

Université Côte d’Azur, Inria, CNRS, I3S, France

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In this paper we first present the SPARQL Template Transformation Language (STTL) for the transformation of RDF graphs, designed as an extension of SPARQL. Then we present a STTL-based platform for the design of Web browsers for the Linked Data. This platform is a SPARQL endpoint augmented with an STTL engine and services to run STTL transformations. Finally, we show the capabilities of the platform by presenting several Web browsers: A first one to execute SPARQL queries and present their results in HTML; a second one to navigate on the DBpedia RDF graph with HTML presentation formats adapted to certain types of data; a third one that generates a mashup of a local RDF graph with the DBpedia RDF graph and provides a unified view; and a last one to manage and exploit a base of predefined SPARQL queries. 


RDF transformation, Web of Data, Semantic Web.

1. Introduction
2. Le langage de transformation STTL
3. Le serveur de transformation
4. Quatre navigateurs ALIGATOR
5. Conclusion

Nous remercions Eric Toguem (U. de Yaoundé, Cameroun) et Alban Gaignard (CNRS) pour la première version du serveur HTTP qui embarque Corese ainsi que Fuqi Song pour le déploiement du serveur de démonstration .


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