Effect of chemical modification of fibers on the properties of renewable biocomposites

Effect of chemical modification of fibers on the properties of renewable biocomposites

Carine Mangeon Xavier Samain Erica Gea Rodi Etienne Dessauw Vittorio Sansalone Thibault Lemaire* Estelle Renard Valérie Langlois* 

Université Paris Est, institut de chimie et des matériaux Paris Est, UMR 7182, 2, rue Henri-Dunant, 94320 Thiais, France

Laboratoire de modélisation et simulation multi-échelle, UMR 8208, CNRS, 61, avenue du Général-de-Gaulle, 94010 Créteil, France

Corresponding Author Email: 
lemaire@u-pec.fr; langlois@icmpe.cnrs.fr
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We have developed two techniques for chemical modification of plant fibers: a method using the esterification reactions between the hydroxyl functions of cellulose and the acid chloride functions of oligoesters, or transesterification reaction. This process has been optimized to provide solvent-free and catalyst-free reactions. The second technique consists in directly modifying the whole vegetable fibers. It is a question of reacting the reactive groups of the lignin with a multifunctional polysiloxane derivative making it possible to covalently couple the matrix and the lignocellulosic reinforcement. This simple radical chemistry can be carried out directly as an extruder. The study of the mechanical properties showed an improvement in the mechanical properties of the biocomposites.


biocomposites, biosourced materials, plant fibers, chemical modifications

1. Introduction
2. Matériel et méthodes
3. Résultats et discussion
4. Conclusion

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