Design and modelation of piping systems by means of use friction factor in the transition turbulent zone

Design and modelation of piping systems by means of use friction factor in the transition turbulent zone

Yanán C. Medina Oscar M.C. Fonticiella  Osvaldo F.G. Morales 

Center for Energy Studies and Environmental Technologies, Universidad Central de las Villas, Santa

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In this paper a new model is presented for design and modelation of piping systems. This work results from recent investigations on pipes friction factor. It provides an empirical solution for the solution of the three basic problems found in the design and evaluation of pipe systems, which in conventional cases require tedious iterative trial and error processes. The proposed solutions are valid in the same interval as the traditional methods used, and in all cases the average error computed never exceeds 2% with respect to traditional iterative methods. The research was done with a regression analysis between kinematic viscosity, relative roughness, flow rate, friction factor, and others factor, using experimental data reported by different authors, establishing comparison with the Swamee-Jain solution for this problems types concluding that between new model and the most universally used there are not signified differences without is lightly better.


Explicit Equation, Darcy Friction Factor, Flow in Pipes, Pipe Diameter

1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
3. Proposed Explicit Equations
4. Conclusions
5. Acknowledgment

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