Free vibration modelling of single-walled carbon nanotubes using the differential quadrature method

Free vibration modelling of single-walled carbon nanotubes using the differential quadrature method

Belhadj ABoukhalfa A. Belalia S.A. 

Computational Mechanics Laboratory (MECACOMP), Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Technology, University of Tlemcen, Algeria

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Carbon nanotubes (CNT’s) has revolutionized the world of nanotechnology by their exceptional proprieties, which make them the core of many applications in several fields, many studies has been done to investigate their mechanical proprieties since their discovery. In this paper, the free vibration of a single walled carbon nanotube is studied in an elastic environment based on the theory of non-local elasticity and discretized by differential quadrature method (DQM); the effect of the surrounding medium on fundamental frequencies is discussed.


Free Vibration, Carbon Nanotubes, Natural Frequency, Non-local Elasticity, Differential Quadrature Method, Euler-Bernoulli.

1. Introduction
2. Mathematical Modelling
3. Differential Quadrature Method
4. Numeral Results and Discussion
5. Conclusions

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