A Study of Water Use and Water Conservation Policies at (Primary) Eco-Schools in Istanbul

A Study of Water Use and Water Conservation Policies at (Primary) Eco-Schools in Istanbul

Seda Tonuk Kutlu Sevinc Kayihan 

Department of Architecture, Yildiz Technical University, Turkey

Department of Architecture, Gebze Institute of Technology, Turkey

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As in all building types, water conservation is important in various ways in primary education buildings that see intensive use. In addition to environmental and economic benefi ts, systematic application of sustainable water management in elementary education buildings also makes a positive contribution to the education of future generations. The ‘Eco-Schools International Programme’, which is an organization established for a chieving these goals, was established in 1994 with European Union support. The programme aims to introduce e nvironmental management systems into primary schools within the scope of ISO 14001/EMAS. It has a crucial task of educating new generations and sustainable development throughout the world. All the previous studies conducted on eco-schools indicate that they are healthier places to learn and work, they have minimal  negative impact on the environment and they have lower operating costs compared to conventional schools.

This study examines elementary schools in Istanbul, which are part of the Eco-Schools International  Programme. A questionnaire study was administered on the theme of water management within elementary schools located in the Asian and European parts of Istanbul city, and the fi ndings of a fi eld survey were examined. Questionnaire fi ndings were gathered according to these headings under two main categories: water use and water conservation policies at outdoor environments of eco-schools (landscape water conservation measures at eco-schools, irrigation technology and irrigation timing and frequency) and water use and water conservation policies at indoor environments of the eco-schools (types of water conservative components and equipments, hot water, water and energy conservation features (eco-label) of electrical appliances and m aintenance of water-related equipment). According to these topics of questionnaire study, eco-schools at Istanbul often exhibit a successful performance in terms of water conservation policies. However insuffi cient use of collected rainwater, treated wastewater and advanced and environmentally friendly irrigation t echnologies at outdoor environments of eco-schools have been observed. Similarly, it has been observed that usage of different technological enhancements towards conservative wares usage like hand-basin taps of the push-on or self-stopping types are used at a very low rate at indoor environments of the eco-schools.


eco-schools programme, elementary schools, Istanbul eco-schools, Sustainable water consumption, water conservation.


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