Public Participation in Urban Noise Prevention: The Case of a Hungarian Town

Public Participation in Urban Noise Prevention: The Case of a Hungarian Town

Z. Baros L. Dávid 

Institute of Agroinformatics and Rural Development, Károly Róbert College, Gyöngyös, Hungary

Department of Tourism and Regional Development, Károly Róbert College, Gyöngyös, Hungary

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The so-called ‘soft factors’ are playing an increasing role in urban planning. Alternative strategies based on these factors can include bottom-up initiatives in which citizens intend to find solutions to noise-related problems in their settlement through their participation and in accordance with their requirements. This paper intends to give a brief introduction to the role of individuals regarding their participation in such programmes, based on the literature available and the results of a questionnaire survey carried out in the Town of Debrecen (East Hungary). The results of the survey indicated that the overall picture of the residents’ opinions on noise pollution is rather contradictory: they basically seem to perceive the impacts and the relevance of this issue, however, in general, the respondents did not recognise their own roles in resolving the problem itself – neither as ‘polluters’ nor as ‘endurers’.


liveability, mental infrastructure, noise nuisance, noise prevention programmes, public participation, sustainable urban development


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