Visual Analysis for Conceptual Design of Complex Systems

Visual Analysis for Conceptual Design of Complex Systems

L.D. Gitelman O.B. Ryzhuk M.V. Kozhevnikov 

Department of Energy and Industrial Management Systems, Ural Federal University, Russia

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Managing the development of complex organizational, technological, and socio-cultural systems calls for the construction of conceptual models that would define the properties and links between the elements of the systems and focus the attention of decision makers on the most significant aspects. The authors propose the visual analysis method as a tool for the conceptual design of complex systems. The method is based on the building of a series of visual images that are associated with the purpose sustainable development and holistic representation of the system. At the initial stage, the general structure of a complex system is analyzed and the required degree of detail of its elements is determined. The system is then broken down into elements and a specific visualization tool is selected for each of them so that the properties of the systems that need improving are highlighted. Ultimately, a conceptual design of the system is created that suggests managerial solutions that meet the interests of the stakeholders. The method has been tested in a number of projects that were implemented with the purpose of ensuring the strategic leadership of major manufacturing companies.


complex systems, concept, conceptual design, decomposition, model, multi-project, visual analysis, visual language, visualization.

1. Introduction
2. Transformation of the Language of Conceptual Design
3. Hands-On Practice with Visualization in Conceptual Design
4. Research Results
5. Conclusion

The work was supported by Act 211 of the Government of the Russian Federation, contract No 02.A03.21.0006.


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