Technology Platforms as A Tool for Solving Complex Innovation Problems

Technology Platforms as A Tool for Solving Complex Innovation Problems

L.D. Gitelman M.V. Kozhevnikov D.G. Sandler 

Ural Federal University, Russia

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The article analyses the experience of using the concept of technology platforms for solving innovation problems of a complex multidimensional nature that stem from a lack of information and knowledge. Two cases are described when platform tools are applicable. The first one has to do with creating breakthrough technologies in promising industries, mostly high-tech ones, as well as with forecasting and developing competencies that are required for the new technology agenda. Second, they are applicable when major multinational corporations build their market infrastructure that requires stable system connections within value chains. The authors showcase their experience of engineering specialised university technology platforms that focus on introducing flexible and up-to-date educational products based on the integration of science, education, innovation and close cooperation with businesses.


cooperation, education, high-tech industries, innovation, technology platform, technology transfer, uncertainty


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