On Propulsion Due to Wavy Flow

On Propulsion Due to Wavy Flow

M.F. Platzer E. Sorokodum 

AeroHydro Research & Technology Associates, Pebble Beach, CA, USA

Vortex Oscillation Technology Ltd, Moscow, Russia

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In this paper, the effect of a wavy flow on the motion of a body in water or air is considered. Experimental results are reviewed, which show that flow waviness decreases the hydrodynamic or aerodynamic drag and even generates a forward thrust. The physics of this phenomenon is explained and examples of research vessels, dirigible balloons and unmanned air vehicles are given, which demonstrated the usefulness of this effect. The design of future vehicles is discussed to draw attention to the potential of wave propulsion for technical applications.


Katzmayr effect, oscillatory flow propulsion, unsteady aero/hydrodynamics, unsteady incompressible flows


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