Development of an optical salinometer for oceanography

Development of an optical salinometer for oceanography

Marc Le Menn Damien Malardé Arnaud David Patrice Brault Philippe Grosso Jean Louis de Bougrenet de la Tocnaye Serge Le Reste Christian Podeur 

Service Hydrographique et Océanographique de la Marine, 13 rue du Chatellier, CS 92803, 29228 Brest Cedex 2, France

NKE Instrumentation, 56700 Hennebont, France

TELECOM Bretagne, Département d’optique, Technopôle Iroise, 29238 Brest, France

IFREMER RDT/I2M, ZI de la pointe du diable, BP 70, 29280 Plouzané, France

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Salinity is the essential parameter for ocean dynamics studies. Its definition and using in the equations used to calculate the thermodynamic properties of seawater, were revised in 2010, opening the possibility of new sensors developments. In this context, NOSS (NKE Optical Salinity Sensor) has emerged as one of the first underwater instrument for in situ refractive index measurement in the past years open up the scope of possibilities to access to density parameter. This achievement is the fruit of the cooperation between several institutions and the fruit of several years of developments and trials. NOSS sensor is designed to be deployed in coastal environment and open-ocean waters up to 2000m, especially on profiling floats of the Argo network.


salinity, density, ocean, seawater, refractive index, sensor.

1. Introduction
2. Rappels sur la salinité, la masse volumique et l’indice de réfraction
3. Développement de l’instrument
4. Essais et mises au point
5. Essais sur des flotteurs dérivants
6. Perspectives

Ce travail a été financé en partie par le FUI sous l’acronyme NOSS, puis par l’ANR au titre de l’appel à projet des équipements d’excellence 2010, tache WP2.5 du projet NAOS.


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